Friday, February 18, 2011

S W E L L  D E C O R ' S

G R A N D  O P E N I N G

I S  A L R E A D Y  S W I N G I N G !


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Let's Celebrate!

P L E A S E  J O I N  U S  F O R


T O  C E L E B R A T E  T H E
G  R  A  N  D   O  P  E  N  I  N  G
S  W  E  L  L   D  E  C  O  R

F R I D A Y ,  F E B R U A R Y  1 8 t h
1 0 : 0 0 A M  T I L  1 : 0 0 P M

Cotswold Marketplace's In-house Design Service Offered By
Angie Persson, Merrin Lowe, and William Perez

Register to win a free room consultation!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

"All I really need is love, but a little chocolate and candy
 now and then doesn't hurt!"
Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Transition into Spring

T  R  A  N  S  I  T  I  O  N

                       winter to spring...                                                     summer to fall...
                                                                      light to dark...                              
                                         young to old...                           new to worn...  
              hot to cold...                                                                                     dull to fresh... 

These are the transitions that surround us in our homes, in stages of our lives as we age, and the environments of which we are a part of.  Transitions are a necessary part of life to keep things interesting.  The change, motion, and MOVEMENT of transition has an appealing fluidity that we just cannot seem to deny or resist. 

With spring around the corner, it is almost inherent that we got the itch to move vendors and freshen up the store.  And with all of these gray, dreary days we have had, we need a little sprucing up to brighten our days.